Podcast #29: Examining the coronavirus hotspots and the stimulus legislation blocked by Democrats
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This week on the show, host Daniel Vaughan talks through the latest updates on the coronavirus or COVID-19, where the hotspots are across the country. He wraps up the episode talking about the stimulus legislation blocked by Democrats and what the financial and political impacts of that move by Nancy Pelosi could create across the country.
Show notes:
The Beltway Outsiders Newsletter sign-up.
The Outsider Perspective Issue 183.
Bernie Sanders: Defender of communist China.
Stop scaring people with COVID-19 models. Focus on real data.
Bernie Sanders and the Rise of Woke Marxism: He brought socialism to the forefront of our politics, but his vision is not the future of the movement. – The Dispatch.
Goldman Sachs analyst says unemployment requests could spike to 2.25 million.
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