Note: This piece originally ran in the August 18th edition of the Outsider Perspective. The 30,000-foot view of America right now What happened in Charlottesville, VA is an atrocity and a stain on America's moral fabric. My first gut reaction when watching reports … [Read more...]
On Trump, Putin, and the Modern Inability to Understand the Tyrant
75 years ago in August 1941, George Orwell penned a critical essay on how liberalism struggled to understand Stalin and Hitler. The liberal he specifically takes issue with is H.G. Wells, author of "War of the World," "The Time Machine," and "The Invisible Man." Wells wrote … [Read more...]
An Oath to Keep
Last week, something happened at a Donald Trump rally I have never seen in American politics. Nor would I believed it if you told me. What follows is a report of the rally: … [Read more...]
The Spirit of George Washington
George Washington, despite having served over 200 years ago, remains one of the greatest Presidents in United States history. Most great leaders are known for their accomplishments. Washington is different, he is known for both his great acts and his humility in not abusing … [Read more...]
Why write?
Why write? Two questions every writer encounters: "Why write?" and "What do I write about?" Novelists have a natural answer: tell a story. Non-fiction writers illuminate ideas. Political writers have a more complicated task. The field is crowded, noisy, and poorly argued. TV … [Read more...]