Podcast #34: Biden & #MeToo, Great Testing Numbers, and Reopening the Economy
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This week on the show, host Daniel Vaughan talks about the latest allegations against Joe Biden of sexual misconduct and the media’s radio silence on the matter. After that, he talks through the top-line numbers of the coronavirus, where testing is headed nationally, and what to make of various states reopening their economies.
Show notes:
The Beltway Outsiders Newsletter sign-up.
The Outsider Perspective Issue 188.
Our World In Data charts and data on the coronavirus.
Politicians continue to lag behind the American people.
Reopening the economy into the great unknown.
CNN ‘Larry King’ episode featuring Biden accuser’s mother disappears from Google Play catalog – Fox News.
No bump in COVID-19 rates after Wisconsin’s April 7 election, study says – Wisconsin State Journal.
A flood of business bankruptcies likely in the coming months – Associated Press.
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