Podcast #4: WashPo compares Warren to Douglass, Whistleblowergate, and the new Kavanaugh book
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This week on the Beltway Outsiders Podcast host Daniel Vaughan discusses a Washington Post column comparing Elizabeth Warren’s “selfie line” to photographs of Frederick Douglass, one of the greatest Americans to have ever lived. Also discussed are the two big stories of the week, the whistleblower story involved Joe Biden, Donald Trump, and Ukraine, as well as discussion of the new book on Brett Kavanaugh and some interviews the authors have given.
Show notes:
The Beltway Outsiders Newsletter sign-up.
A brief timeline of the Trump whistleblower saga
What the Latest Reports Say About the Whistleblower Complaint
Video Shows Christine Ford’s Lawyer Saying Ford Acted To Protect Roe v. Wade, Author Says
Kavanaugh authors defend the integrity of their work
“They Played It Up Pretty Big”: Turmoil Engulfs the Times Over the Kavanaugh Debacle
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